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Support Local Journalism

Your contribution ensures that communities across New Mexico receive the news and information they need.

Every dollar helps maintain the vitality of our local newsrooms.

Strengthening Local News in New Mexico

Empowering newsrooms through funding, mentorship, and community support to ensure every New Mexican has access to vital, trustworthy journalism.

NM Newsrooms Make Progress

We’ve wrapped up our fourth Local News Accelerator program, with 17 newsrooms participating. This year, many publishers were able to move beyond surviving and toward thriving again. There are positive signs of progress and growth that we haven’t seen since before the pandemic.

Press Forward New Mexico

Join us to help raise unprecedented resources to revitalize local news, especially in rural and underserved areas, while helping newsrooms become sustainable and serve communities with vital news and information.

Local News Matching Campaign

For the fourth year, we will offer newsrooms a chance to raise money through donations, subscriptions or memberships during the month of December. For every dollar they raised, we will match them up to $7,500 per newsroom.

NM News Survey bitly

New Mexicans now have the opportunity to shape the future of local news and information in their communities by participating in the NM Community Information Needs Survey. This 10-minute survey is designed to gather insights on how residents receive important news about their neighborhoods, towns, counties, Pueblos, and Reservations—what’s working and where improvements are needed.

Who can participate? Any New Mexico resident

How long does it take? About 10 minutes

Privacy: All responses are anonymous

Eligibility for the prize drawing: Participants must provide a valid email or phone number at the end of the survey

We encourage all New Mexicans to share this survey with friends, family, and community members. The more voices we hear, the better we can strengthen local news and information access across the state.

New Mexico and West Texas community organizations, print, broadcast, and online media outlets we have worked with over the past four years. Please click the upper right corner of the map to expand and get more information.

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