Election Overtime: Tools for Journalists Covering Elections
This policy brief gives reporters quick access to important concepts, laws, and procedures of elections in New Mexico.

Election Coverage Resources For NM Journalists
Compiled by the New Mexico Local News Fund along with the Election Reformers Network to support accurate and insightful media coverage of New Mexico election matters.
New Mexican’s Views Regarding Spanish Language Media in the State of New Mexico
On behalf Local News Fund, BSP Research collected the opinions of New Mexico adults regarding Spanish language media in 2021. The survey focused on the current knowledge and utilization of Spanish language media in New Mexico, attitudes toward expanded local news content in Spanish, and the content consumers would like to see available to them in Spanish. This report summarizes the main findings of this survey content and provides insights on the potential demand for Spanish language media in the state.
New Mexico Local Spanish Language Media Survey 2021
The results provided in this report are based on two surveys conducted state-wide in the state of New Mexico that were merged to maximized Spanish language speakers. Data was collected through a mixture of web and telephone based interviews with respondents being able to participate in the survey in either language. BSP Research collected the opinions on behalf of the New Mexico Local News Fund in 2021.
Southern New Mexico News & Information Ecosystem Report
In this snapshot of Southern New Mexico, several of the most prominent areas of focus that require attention are highlighted including boosting financial sustainability of local news, increasing access to minority-serving local news, and renewing a focus upon journalists’ well-being. There are layers of complexity to the local news and information challenges that exist in Southern New Mexico, and building a more robust, equitable local news ecosystem will require a multi-pronged approach.

Higher Education: A New Mexico Local News Fund Backgrounder
A series that offers important background information for journalists or anyone interested in the issue, this backgrounder provides an overview of New Mexico's unusually structured system of higher education, which serves residents spread out over a geographically large state with options that are broadly accessible and very affordable compared to other states.
Public Health in New Mexico: A New Mexico Local News Fund Backgrounder
A series that offers important background information for journalists or anyone interested in the issue, this backgrounder provides an overview of the public health system in New Mexico. Want to know where to find public health data? Which counties have the fewest healthcare providers? What's happening to health insurance costs? Check out the answers here.

The Social Safety Net During COVID-19: A New Mexico Local News Fund Backgrounder
A series that offers important background information for journalists or anyone interested in the issue, this backgrounder provides an overview of the patchwork of programs designed to help individuals and families in need, comparing the New Mexico experience to that of other states.

Voting: A New Mexico Local News Fund Backgrounder
A series that offers important background information for journalists or anyone interested in the issue, this backgrounder explores New Mexico election law in comparison with other states, including various efforts to adapt to complications brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yazzie/Martinez v. State of New Mexico: A New Mexico Local News Fund Backgrounder
A series that offers important background information for journalists or anyone interested in the issue, this backgrounder details the landmark 2014 lawsuit in which a group of families and school districts sued the state of New Mexico for not doing enough to prepare at-risk students for college or a career.

New Mexico Collaborative Journalism Roundtable
"Collaboration between, not only journalists in New Mexico, but also journalists and communities, audiences and other stakeholders is an opportunity to create news coverage that is more nuanced and reflective of New Mexico, its unique stories and cultures and the complexity of the challenges faced. It’s also an excellent opportunity to ensure important stories get covered despite a shortage of resources and narrowing capacity of local newsrooms."

Sustainable Local Journalism in New Mexico: Community Perspectives
"By harvesting the wisdom of civically engaged leaders across New Mexico communities, this report acknowledges the need for accurate and relevant sources of information. Credible information from trustworthy sources allows community members to make informed decisions for their families, businesses, and civic institutions; engage in community-building efforts; and participate in the democratic process. As our world becomes increasingly complex, the value of local perspectives to inform community life, policy, and a sense of place is increasingly important."

Advancing Sustainable, Reliable Journalism in New Mexico
"New Mexicans need accurate sources of information they can rely on to make decisions for their families and businesses, engage in work to improve their communities, and take part in the democratic process."